Parthenon Japan Media
Media is a major category within the pantheon of strategic communications. At Parthenon Japan, we not only produce world-class media for our clients, we also do so for ourselves.
To get a taste of our activities, follow us across social, browse our blog, tune in to our podcasts, and check out our YouTube channel!
Social Media
Parthenon Japan is active on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
Follow our social accounts to receive updates on our firm and activities.
Read, Listen, & Watch
Parthenon Japan has regular updates on our company blog. In addition, we produce official and unofficial podcasts, the occasional YouTube video, and sometimes the media decides to report on us. For the bored or curious, come down the rabbit hole with us!
In The Media
The Parthenon Japan team has been featured in various Japanese and foreign media outlets, and we have contributed to books on public relations as well. Here is a brief summary of some of our recent coverage.